Thursday, March 7
SERVICE HOURS: Mary has a sign-up sheet on her door for anyone that needs service hours. ATHLETE OF THE MONTH: Congratulations to our 4 athlete of the month nominations: Konnor Cartee – Swimming Blake Powers – Basketball Claire Wachtel – Cheer Myah Ticer – Basketball SCHOOL COUNSELOR: Emily will not be in the building today,… Continue Reading Thursday, March 7
Read MoreWednesday, March 6
MUSICAL: Auditions for the Spring Musical “Suessical” will be Tuesday, March 12th from 3:45-5:30pm. Scripts will be available to use from Mrs. LeSaulnier. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. LeSaulnier.
Read MoreMonday, March 4
MUSIC: This past Saturday, several Gibault music students participated in the IHSA annual Solo and Ensemble Contest. Gibault had 12 entries total and on a 5 class system, we received ten “1’s” and two “2’s”. Great job, Hawks!
Read MoreFriday, March 1
BOYS BASKETBALL: Good luck to the Hawks as they play for the Sectional Title tonight! ACADEMIC CHALLENGE: Good luck to the ACES as they compete at Sectionals today! FAN BUS: Students riding the fan bus should meet in the gym lobby. Bus will be leaving at 3:10. GLOW VOLLEYBALL: Immaculate Conception Youth Group is hosting… Continue Reading Friday, March 1
Read MoreThursday, February 29
BOYS BASKETBALL: Congratulations to the boys basketball team on their win over Goreville last night in the Sectional game. They advance to the Sectional Championship Game tomorrow night at 7pm. Come out to cheer our Hawks on to a victory! FAN BUS: There is a sign-up sheet & permission slips in the office for students… Continue Reading Thursday, February 29
Read MoreWednesday, February 28
REMINDER: We are seeing a lot of students in the hallway at the end of the day, and teachers are expressing concern about the disruptions in their classes from the noise level and activity in the hallway. Wherever you are at the end of the day, whether it is a classroom, the patio, the cafeteria,… Continue Reading Wednesday, February 28
Read MoreTuesday, February 27
FAN BUS: There is a sign-up sheet and permission slip in the office for anyone that is interested in taking the fan bus to the boys basketball sectional game on Wednesday. The theme for the superfans is Blackout. FFA: Tomorrow’s dress down day theme is Western Wednesday. Crumbl Cookie Fundraiser begins tomorrow. DEBATE TEAM: Congratulations… Continue Reading Tuesday, February 27
Read MoreMonday, February 26
SENIORS: Welcome back to our Seniors! ADORATION: Adoration will be in the chapel today from 11-12. BOYS BASKETBALL: Congratulations to the boys basketball team on their Regional Championship game against New Athens on Friday night! The Hawks will play Goreville at Norris City at 7pm. Details for a fan bus will be coming soon. FFA:… Continue Reading Monday, February 26
Read MoreFriday, February 23
BOYS BASKETBALL: Tonight the boys will be competing against New Athens for the Regional Championship at 7pm at Trico High School. Come cheer on the Hawks! MATH TEAM: Good luck to the Math Team as they head to Regionals tomorrow! BOYS SOCCER: This is a reminder that if you are playing soccer next year we… Continue Reading Friday, February 23
Read MoreThursday, February 22
TODAY’S SCHEDULE: Today the freshmen and sophomores will celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation. We are on a 1:40pm schedule today and Juniors will be dismissed at that time. BOYS SOCCER: If you will be participating on the boys soccer team next school year, please come to the front office and sign in so that we… Continue Reading Thursday, February 22
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