Tuesday, December 3


We are excited to share that we have raised $7,260 so far in Raffle Mania!  While this a great achievement, we did not reach our first goal of $12,500 (25% of our total goal) by December 1st.

Our next milestone is 50% of our goal by December 16th.  Let’s work together to make it happen!  If we reach this goal, we’ll celebrate with a dress-down day on December 20th.

Thank you for your efforts so far – let’s keep the momentum going!


Students are required to have 10 service hours for the school year.    Service hours are posted outside the office, stop by to confirm that your hours are correct.  Please turn in all service hours that you have completed by the end of the semester.  See Mrs. Grohmann if you have any questions.


Gibault Women’s Club are looking for volunteers to help set up and to work at Breakfast with Santa.  We need 10 volunteers to help set up this Friday and 15 volunteers to work on Sunday.  Sunday you may earn double hours.  Come sign up in the office.



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