Wednesday, February 14


Students are not in the building on February 15, 16, and 19.  We have a teacher institute day and will be honoring President’s Day on the 19th.


The Lady Hawks play for Regional Championship tomorrow night at 7pm at New Athens.  Come out to cheer on our Lady Hawks!


Attention all students!  As a school, we support CRS, or Catholic Relief Services.  CRS is the international humanitarian agency of the Catholic community in the United States.  They provide assistance to more than 130 million people around the world.  One of their major programs they do during Lent each year is the CRS Rice Bowl.  Today, in Advisee Homeroom, you will all receive a CRS Rice Bowl.  We encourage you to take these home and we ask you and your family members to put your spare change in the bowls throughout the Lenten season.  At the end of Lent, we will collect all the rice bowls, and send the money to CRS.  If you have several rice bowls in your house, because you also received one from your church, or your younger sibling got one from their school, remember that this is not a competition!  All the money goes to the same place, so it doesn’t really matter where you turn in your rice bowls.  If you have multiple rice bowls, one suggestion would be to split up the money evenly between them.


Students, just a few reminders for mass today with Bishop McGovern.  Do not bring your backpacks to the gym.  Please make sure your white oxford is tucked in, buttoned to the top, with the sleeves unrolled.  Please make sure you do not have gum in your mouth this afternoon.  During mass, when it is time to give one another a sign of peace, you should turn to the people around you and shake their hand.  This is not a time for “bro hugs” and wondering away from your chair to find a friend.  If you see the Bishop in the hallway, please greet him by saying “Hello Bishop McGovern”, “Welcome to Gibault Bishop McGovern”, or something along those lines.

You are ALL welcome and encouraged to come up to the altar today and receive ashes on your forehead.  This is NOT just for Catholics.  For Communion, if you are not Catholic, please come to the altar with your arms crossed over your chest ready to receive a blessing.



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